Source code for perfectns.plots

#!/usr/bin/env python
Plotting functions.

import warnings
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import perfectns.nested_sampling as ns
import perfectns.estimators as e
import nestcheck.plots

[docs]def plot_rel_posterior_mass(likelihood_list, prior, dim_list, logx, **kwargs): """ Plot analytic distributions of the relative posterior mass for different likelihoods and dimensionalities as a function of logx (this is proportional to L(X)X, where L(X) is the likelihood). Parameters ---------- logx: 1d numpy array Logx values at which to calculate posterior mass. likelihood_list: list of perfectns likelihood objects Likelihoods to plot. prior: perfectns prior object dim_list: list of ints Dimensions to plot for each likelihood. figsize: tuple, optional Size of figure in inches. linestyles: list, optional List of different linestyles to use for each likelihood. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure Figure showing relative posterior masses of input likelihoods """ linestyles = kwargs.pop('linestyles', ['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted']) figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize', (6.4, 2)) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: {0}'.format(kwargs)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for dim in dim_list: for nl, likelihood in enumerate(likelihood_list): if type(likelihood).__name__ == 'ExpPower': label = 'Exp Power: $b=' + str(likelihood.power) + '$,' label = label.replace('0.75', r'\frac{3}{4}') else: label = type(likelihood).__name__ + ':' label += ' $d=' + str(dim) + '$' logl = likelihood.logl_given_r(prior.r_given_logx(logx, dim), dim) w_rel = nestcheck.plots.rel_posterior_mass(logx, logl) plt.plot(logx, w_rel, linestyle=linestyles[nl], label=label) ax = plt.gca() ax.legend(ncol=2) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.set_ylabel('relative posterior mass') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{log} X$') ax.set_xlim(logx.min(), logx.max()) return fig
[docs]def plot_dynamic_nlive(dynamic_goals, settings_in, **kwargs): """ Plot the allocations of live points as a function of logX for different dynamic_goal settings. Plots also include analytically calculated distributions of relative posterior mass and relative posterior mass remaining. Parameters ---------- dynamic_goals: list of ints or None dynamic_goal setting values to plot. settings_in: PerfectNSSettings object tuned_dynamic_ps: list of bools, optional tuned_dynamic_ps settings corresponding to each dynamic goal settings. Defaults to False for all dynamic goals. logx_min: float, optional Lower limit of logx axis. If not specified this is set to the lowest logx reached by any of the runs. load: bool, optional Should the nested sampling runs be loaded from cache if available? save: bool, optional Should the nested sampling runs be cached? ymax: bool, optional Maximum value for plot's nlive axis (yaxis). n_run: int, optional How many runs to plot for each dynamic goal. npoints: int, optional How many points to have in the logx array used to calculate and plot analytical weights. figsize: tuple, optional Size of figure in inches. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure """ tuned_dynamic_ps = kwargs.pop('tuned_dynamic_ps', [False] * len(dynamic_goals)) save = kwargs.pop('save', True) load = kwargs.pop('load', True) npoints = kwargs.pop('npoints', 100) n_run = kwargs.pop('n_run', 10) # Confine settings edits to within this function settings = copy.deepcopy(settings_in) run_dict = {} # work out n_samples_max from first set of runs n_sample_stats = np.zeros((len(dynamic_goals), 2)) method_names = [] # use list to store labels so order is preserved for i, dg in enumerate(dynamic_goals): print('dynamic_goal=' + str(dg)) # Make label if dg is None: label = 'standard' else: label = 'dynamic $G=' + str(dg) + '$' if tuned_dynamic_ps[i] is True: label = 'tuned ' + label method_names.append(label) settings.dynamic_goal = dg settings.tuned_dynamic_p = tuned_dynamic_ps[i] temp_runs = ns.get_run_data(settings, n_run, parallel=True, load=load, save=save) n_samples = np.asarray([run['logl'].shape[0] for run in temp_runs]) n_sample_stats[i, 0] = np.mean(n_samples) n_sample_stats[i, 1] = np.std(n_samples, ddof=1) if i == 0 and settings.n_samples_max is None: settings.n_samples_max = int(n_sample_stats[0, 0] * (settings.nlive_const - 1) / settings.nlive_const) run_dict[label] = temp_runs print('mean samples per run:', n_sample_stats[i, 0], 'std:', n_sample_stats[i, 1]) fig = nestcheck.plots.plot_run_nlive( method_names, run_dict, post_mass_norm='dynamic $G=1$', npoints=npoints, logx_given_logl=settings.logx_given_logl, logl_given_logx=settings.logl_given_logx, cum_post_mass_norm='dynamic $G=0$', **kwargs) # Plot the tuned posterior mass if 'tuned dynamic $G=1$' in method_names: ax = fig.axes[0] logx = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1], npoints) # Get expected magnitude of parameter # This is not defined for logx=0 so exclude final value of logx param_exp = settings.r_given_logx(logx[:-1]) / np.sqrt(settings.n_dim) # Tuned weight is the relative posterior mass times the expected # magnitude of the paramer being considered w_an = nestcheck.plots.rel_posterior_mass( logx, settings.logl_given_logx(logx)) w_tuned = w_an[:-1] * param_exp w_tuned /= np.trapz(w_tuned, x=logx[:-1]) # Get the normalising constant integrals = np.zeros(len(run_dict['tuned dynamic $G=1$'])) for nr, run in enumerate(run_dict['tuned dynamic $G=1$']): logx_run = settings.logx_given_logl(run['logl']) logx[0] = 0 # to make lines extend all the way to the end # for normalising analytic weight lines integrals[nr] = -np.trapz(run['nlive_array'], x=logx_run) w_tuned *= np.mean(integrals) # Plot the tuned posterior mass ax.plot(logx[:-1], w_tuned, linewidth=2, label='tuned importance', linestyle='-.', dashes=(6, 1.5, 1, 1.5), color='k') ax.legend(ncol=3) return fig
[docs]def plot_parameter_logx_diagram(settings, ftheta, **kwargs): """ Plots parameter estimation diagram of the type described in Section 3.1 and shown in Figure 3 of "Sampling errors in nested sampling parameter estimation" (Higson et al., 2018). Parameters ---------- settings: PerfectNSSettings object ftheta: estimator object function of parameters to plot ymin: float, optional y axis (ftheta) min. ymax: float, optional y axis (ftheta) max. ylabel: str, optional y axis (ftheta) label. logx_min: float, optional Lower limit of logx axis. x_points: int, optional How many logx points to use in the plots. y_points: int, optional figsize: tuple, optional Size of figure in inches. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure """ logx_min = kwargs.pop('logx_min', -16.0) figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize', (6, 2.5)) x_points = kwargs.pop('x_points', 300) y_points = kwargs.pop('y_points', 300) ylab_def = r'$f(\theta)=' + ftheta.latex_name[1:] ylab_def = ylab_def.replace(r'\\overline', '').replace(r'\overline', '') ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', ylab_def) # estimator specific defaults: ymax = kwargs.pop('ymax', 10) if hasattr(ftheta, 'min_value'): ymin = kwargs.pop('ymin', ftheta.min_value) else: ymin = kwargs.pop('ymin', -ymax) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: {0}'.format(kwargs)) # Plotting settings max_sigma = 3.5 contour_line_levels = [1, 2, 3] contour_linewidths = 0.5 color_scheme = plt.get_cmap('Reds_r') contour_color_levels = np.arange(0, 4, 0.075) darkred = (200 / 255, 0, 0) # match the color of the tikz evidence picture # Initialise figure # ----------------- fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, width_ratios=[1, 1, 40, 1], height_ratios=[1, 4]) gs.update(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) # plot weights # ------------ weight = plt.subplot(gs[0, -2]) x_setup = np.linspace(logx_min, 0, num=x_points) # Calculate posterior weight as a function of logx logw = settings.logl_given_logx(x_setup) + x_setup w_rel = np.exp(logw - logw.max()) w_rel[0] = 0.0 # to make fill work w_rel[-1] = 0.0 # to make fill work plt.fill(x_setup, w_rel, color=darkred) weight.set_xticklabels([]) weight.set_yticklabels([]) weight.set_yticks([]) weight.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1]) weight.set_xlim([logx_min, 0]) w_patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(color=darkred, label='relative posterior mass') weight.legend(handles=[w_patch], loc=2 if settings.n_dim <= 4 else 1) # plot contours # ------------- y_setup = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num=y_points) x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_setup, y_setup) # label with negative index for adding/removing extra posterior mean plot fgivenx = plt.subplot(gs[1, -2]) cdf_fgivenx = cdf_given_logx(ftheta, y_grid, x_grid, settings) assert cdf_fgivenx.min() >= 0 assert cdf_fgivenx.max() <= 1 sigma_fgivenx = sigma_given_cdf(cdf_fgivenx) if not np.all(np.isinf(sigma_fgivenx)): # Plot the filled contours onto the axis ax cs1 = fgivenx.contourf(x_grid, y_grid, sigma_fgivenx, cmap=color_scheme, levels=contour_color_levels, vmin=0, vmax=max_sigma) for col in cs1.collections: # remove annoying white lines col.set_edgecolor('face') # Plot some sigma-based contour lines cs2 = fgivenx.contour( x_grid, y_grid, sigma_fgivenx, colors='k', linewidths=contour_linewidths, levels=contour_line_levels, vmin=0, vmax=max_sigma ) fgivenx.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{log} \, X $') fgivenx.set_yticklabels([]) # Add ftilde if it is available if hasattr(ftheta, 'ftilde'): ftilde = ftheta.ftilde(x_setup, settings) fgivenx.plot(x_setup, ftilde, color='k', linestyle='--', dashes=(2, 3), linewidth=1, label='$\\tilde{f}(X)$') # set y limits as grid goes below limits to make cdf to pdf calc work fgivenx.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) fgivenx.set_xlim([logx_min, 0]) # plot posterior # -------------- post_cdf, support = posterior_cdf(ftheta, y_setup, x_setup, settings) x_posterior, y_posterior = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, num=2), support) z_posterior = sigma_given_cdf(np.vstack((post_cdf, post_cdf)).T) posterior = plt.subplot(gs[1, -3]) # Plot the filled contours onto the axis ax cs1 = posterior.contourf( x_posterior, y_posterior, z_posterior, cmap=color_scheme, levels=contour_color_levels, vmin=0, vmax=max_sigma ) for col in cs1.collections: # remove annoying white lines col.set_edgecolor('face') # Plot some sigma-based contour lines cs2 = posterior.contour(x_posterior, y_posterior, z_posterior, colors='k', linewidths=contour_linewidths, levels=contour_line_levels, vmin=0, vmax=max_sigma) # add the posterior expectation if it exists posterior_mean = e.get_true_estimator_values(ftheta, settings) if not np.isnan(posterior_mean): fgivenx.plot([logx_min, 0], [posterior_mean, posterior_mean], color='k', linestyle=':', dashes=(0.5, 1), linewidth=1, label=r'$\mathrm{E}[f(\theta)|\mathcal{L},\pi]$') posterior.plot([0, 1], [posterior_mean, posterior_mean], color='k', linestyle=':', linewidth=1, label=r'$\mathrm{E}[f(\theta)|\mathcal{L},\pi]$') fgivenx.legend(loc=2) posterior.set_xticklabels([]) posterior.set_xticks([]) # add labelpad to avoid clash with xtick labels posterior.set_xlabel('posterior', labelpad=18) posterior.set_ylabel(ylabel) posterior.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) # plot Colorbar key # ---------------- # place in seperate subplot colorbar_plot = plt.subplot(gs[1, -1]) colorbar = plt.colorbar(cs1, cax=colorbar_plot, ticks=[1, 2, 3]) colorbar.solids.set_edgecolor('face') [r'$1\sigma$', r'$2\sigma$', r'$3\sigma$']) colorbar.add_lines(cs2) return fig
[docs]def sigma_given_cdf(cdf): """ Maps cdf values in [0,1] to number of standard deviations from the median. scipy.special.erfinv is defined in [-1,+1] mapping to [-inf,+inf]. We want to map a CDF to the number of sigma from the median - i.e. from [0,+1] to [0,+inf] - so we need the argument (2*cdf - 1), and to take abs to get a positive answer. erf is definted in terms of int e^(-t^2) which corresponds to a Gaussian with sigma = 1/sqrt(2). So we must multiply sigma_temp by sqrt(2) Parameters ---------- cdf: float or numpy array Returns ------- float or numpy array Same type and shape as input cdf. """ sigma_temp = abs(scipy.special.erfinv((cdf * 2) - 1)) return np.sqrt(2) * sigma_temp
[docs]def cdf_given_logx(estimator, value, logx, settings): """ Calculate CDF at where each column represents the CDF of the distribution of ftheta values on some iso-likelihood contour L = L(X). Parameters ---------- estimator: estimator object Function whose values we are getting the CDF of. value: numpy array Function values at which to evaluate the CDF. logx: numpy array of same size and shape as value. Logx values specifying contours - we calculate the CDF on each contour. settings: PerfectNSSettings object Returns ------- cdf: numpy array of same size and shape as value and logx """ assert value.shape == logx.shape if estimator.__class__.__name__ == 'ParamMean': # From the sampling errors paper (Higson et al., 2018) Section 4 the # cdf of p1^2 is a beta distribution r = settings.r_given_logx(logx) p1squared_cdf = scipy.stats.beta.cdf((value / r) ** 2, 0.5, (settings.n_dim - 1) / 2.) cdf = 0.5 + (0.5 * np.sign(value) * p1squared_cdf) elif estimator.__class__.__name__ == 'ParamSquaredMean': # From my errors paper section 4 this is just a beta distribution r = settings.r_given_logx(logx) cdf = scipy.stats.beta.cdf(value * (r ** -2), 0.5, (settings.n_dim - 1) / 2.) elif estimator.__class__.__name__ == 'RMean': cdf = np.zeros(logx.shape) else: warnings.warn(('cdf not available for ' + estimator.__class__.__name__ + '. Will use cdf=0 everywhere.'), UserWarning) cdf = np.zeros(logx.shape) assert cdf.min() >= 0, "cdf.min() = " + str(cdf.min()) + " < 0" assert cdf.max() <= 1, "cdf.max() = " + str(cdf.max()) + " > 1" return cdf
[docs]def posterior_cdf(estimator, values, logx, settings): """ Calculates the 1d posterior cumulative distribution function (CDF) for some estimator given the likelihood and prior settings. Parameters ---------- estimator: estimator object Function whose values we are getting the CDF of. value: 1d numpy array Function values at which to evaluate the CDF. logx: 1d numpy array Logx values over which to numericallly marginalise the probability distribution. settings: PerfectNSSettings object Returns ------- cdf: numpy array of same size and shape as values """ if estimator.__class__.__name__ == 'RMean': values_logx = settings.logx_given_r(values) log_pdf = values_logx + settings.logl_given_r(values) pdf = np.exp(log_pdf - log_pdf.max()) cdf = np.cumsum(pdf) cdf /= cdf.max() assert cdf.min() >= 0, "cdf.min() = " + str(cdf.min()) + " < 0" assert cdf.max() <= 1, "cdf.max() = " + str(cdf.max()) + " > 1" return cdf, values else: # calculate pdf numberically from cdfs across different logx values # make numerical calculations extend beyond plot limits so cdfs at # edges of plot are approximately correct # it is important to recalculate at this step rather than just # using a bigger array for the fgivenx plot as that makes the .pdf # files bigger # increase ymax to ensure cdfs from trunkated pdfs are accurate ymin_temp = values.min() - (values.max() - values.min()) ymax_temp = values.max() + (values.max() - values.min()) y_setup_temp = np.linspace(ymin_temp, ymax_temp, num=values.shape[0] * 3) x_grid_temp, y_grid_temp = np.meshgrid(logx, y_setup_temp) cdf_fgivenx_temp = cdf_given_logx(estimator, y_grid_temp, x_grid_temp, settings) logw = settings.logl_given_logx(logx) + logx w_rel = np.exp(logw - logw.max()) pdf_posterior = np.zeros(cdf_fgivenx_temp.shape[0]) for i, _ in enumerate(pdf_posterior[:-1]): # as we have no pdf_givenx this is caclulated from differences # in cdf_fgivenx and therefor is 1 index smaller pdf_posterior[i] = np.sum((cdf_fgivenx_temp[i + 1, :] - cdf_fgivenx_temp[i, :]) * w_rel) assert pdf_posterior.min() >= 0 # calculate the cdf numerically from the pdf cdf = np.cumsum(pdf_posterior) / np.sum(pdf_posterior) return np.clip(cdf, 0, 1), y_setup_temp