Source code for perfectns.nested_sampling

#!/usr/bin/env python
Functions which perform standard and dynamic nested sampling runs and generate
samples for use in evidence calculations and parameter estimation.

Nested sampling runs are stored a format compatible with the nestcheck

import warnings
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import nestcheck.ns_run_utils
import nestcheck.parallel_utils as pu
import nestcheck.io_utils as iou
import perfectns.maths_functions as mf

[docs]def generate_ns_run(settings, random_seed=None): """ Performs perfect nested sampling calculation and returns a nested sampling run in the form of a dictionary. This function is just a wrapper around the generate_standard_run (performs standard nested sampling) and generate_dynamic_run (performs dynamic nested sampling) which are chosen depending on the input settings. Parameters ---------- settings: PerfectNSSettings object random_seed: None, bool or int, optional Set numpy random seed. Default is to use None (so a random seed is chosen from the computer's internal state) to ensure reliable results when multiprocessing. Can set to an integer or to False to not edit the seed. Returns ------- dict Nested sampling run dictionary containing information about the run's posterior samples and a record of the settings used. These are as separate arrays giving values for points in order of increasing likelihood. Keys: 'settings': dict recording settings used. 'logl': 1d array of log likelihoods. 'r': 1d array of radial coordinates. 'logx': 1d array of logx coordinates. 'theta': 2d array, each row is sample coordinate. The number of co-ordinates saved is controlled by settings.dims_to_sample. 'nlive_array': 1d array of the local number of live points at each sample. 'thread_min_max': 2d array containing likelihoods at which each nested sampling thread begins and ends. 'thread_labels': 1d array listing the threads each sample belongs to. """ if random_seed is not False: np.random.seed(random_seed) if settings.dynamic_goal is None: run = generate_standard_run(settings) else: run = generate_dynamic_run(settings) run['random_seed'] = random_seed return run
[docs]def get_run_data(settings, n_repeat, **kwargs): """ Tests if runs with the specified settings are already cached. If not the runs are generated and saved. Parameters ---------- settings: PerfectNSSettings object n_repeat: int Number of nested sampling runs to generate. parallel: bool, optional Should runs be generated in parallel? max_workers: int or None, optional Number of processes. If max_workers is None then concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor defaults to using the number of processors of the machine. N.B. If max_workers=None and running on supercomputer clusters with multiple nodes, this may default to the number of processors on a single node and therefore there will be no speedup from multiple nodes (must specify manually in this case). load: bool, optional Should previously saved runs be loaded? If False, new runs are generated. save: bool, optional Should any new runs generated be saved? cache_dir: str, optional Directory for caching overwrite_existing: bool, optional if a file exists already but we generate new run data, should we overwrite the existing file when saved? check_loaded_settings: bool, optional if we load a cached file, should we check if the loaded file's settings match the current settings (and generate fresh runs if they do not)? random_seeds: list, optional random_seed arguments for each call of generate_ns_run. Returns ------- run_list list of n_repeat nested sampling runs. """ parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', True) max_workers = kwargs.pop('max_workers', None) load = kwargs.pop('load', True) save = kwargs.pop('save', True) cache_dir = kwargs.pop('cache_dir', 'cache') overwrite_existing = kwargs.pop('overwrite_existing', True) check_loaded_settings = kwargs.pop('check_loaded_settings', True) random_seeds = kwargs.pop('random_seeds', [None] * n_repeat) assert len(random_seeds) == n_repeat if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: {0}'.format(kwargs)) save_name = cache_dir + '/' + settings.save_name() save_name += '_' + str(n_repeat) + 'reps' if load: try: data = iou.pickle_load(save_name) if check_loaded_settings: # Assume all runs in the loaded list have the same settings, in # which case we only need check the first one. loaded = copy.deepcopy(data[0]['settings']) current = copy.deepcopy(settings.get_settings_dict()) # If runs are standard nested sampling there is no need to # check settings which only affect dynamic ns match if loaded['dynamic_goal'] is None and (current['dynamic_goal'] is None): for key in ['dynamic_goal', 'n_samples_max', 'ninit', 'nbatch', 'dynamic_fraction', 'tuned_dynamic_p']: del loaded[key] del current[key] if loaded != current: # remove shared keys and only print differences rm = [k for k in set(loaded.keys()) & set(current.keys()) if loaded[k] == current[k]] loaded_diff = {k: v for k, v in loaded.items() if k not in rm} current_diff = {k: v for k, v in current.items() if k not in rm} msg = (('Loaded settings != current settings. Differences ' 'are: {0} != = {1}. Generating new runs instead.') .format(loaded_diff, current_diff)) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) del data load = False except (OSError, EOFError) as exception: print(('Loading {0} failed due to {1}' .format(save_name, type(exception).__name__) + ' - try generating new runs instead.')) load = False overwrite_existing = True if not load: # Must check cache is up to date before parallel_apply or each process # will have to update the cache seperately if type(settings.prior).__name__ == 'GaussianCached': settings.prior.check_cache(settings.n_dim) data = pu.parallel_apply(generate_ns_run, random_seeds, func_pre_args=(settings,), max_workers=max_workers, parallel=parallel) if save: iou.pickle_save(data, save_name, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing) return data
[docs]def generate_standard_run(settings, is_dynamic_initial_run=False): """ Performs standard nested sampling using the likelihood and prior specified in settings. The run terminates when the estimated posterior mass contained in the live points is less than settings.termination_fraction. The evidence in the remaining live points is estimated as Z_{live} = average likelihood of live points * prior volume remaining Parameters ---------- settings: PerfectNSSettings object is_dynamic_initial_run: bool, optional Set to True if this is the initial exploratory run in dynamic nested sampling. Returns ------- run: dict Nested sampling run dictionary containing information about the run's posterior samples and a record of the settings used. See docstring for generate_ns_run for more details. """ if is_dynamic_initial_run: nlive_const = settings.ninit else: nlive_const = settings.nlive_const # Sample live points as a 2-dimensional array with columns: # [loglikelihood, radial coordinate, logx coordinate, thread label] live_points = np.zeros((nlive_const, 4)) # Thread labels are 1 to nlive_const live_points[:, 3] = np.arange(nlive_const) live_points[:, 2] = np.log(np.random.random(live_points.shape[0])) live_points[:, 1] = settings.r_given_logx(live_points[:, 2]) live_points[:, 0] = settings.logl_given_r(live_points[:, 1]) # termination condition variables logx_i = 0.0 logz_dead = -np.inf logz_live = (scipy.special.logsumexp(live_points[:, 0]) + logx_i - np.log(nlive_const)) # Calculate factor for trapezium rule of geometric series shrinkage = np.exp(-1.0 / nlive_const) logtrapz = np.log(0.5 * ((shrinkage ** -1) - shrinkage)) # start the array of dead points dead_points_list = [] while logz_live - np.log(settings.termination_fraction) > logz_dead: # add to dead points ind = np.where(live_points[:, 0] == live_points[:, 0].min())[0][0] dead_points_list.append(copy.deepcopy(live_points[ind, :])) # update dead evidence estimates logx_i += -1.0 / nlive_const logz_dead = scipy.special.logsumexp((logz_dead, live_points[ind, 0] + logtrapz + logx_i)) # add new point live_points[ind, 2] += np.log(np.random.random()) live_points[ind, 1] = settings.r_given_logx(live_points[ind, 2]) live_points[ind, 0] = settings.logl_given_r(live_points[ind, 1]) logz_live = (scipy.special.logsumexp(live_points[:, 0]) + logx_i - np.log(nlive_const)) points = np.array(dead_points_list) # add remaining live points (sorted by increasing likelihood) points = np.vstack((points, live_points[np.argsort(live_points[:, 0])])) # Create a dictionary representing the nested sampling run run = {'settings': settings.get_settings_dict(), 'logl': points[:, 0], 'r': points[:, 1], 'logx': points[:, 2], 'thread_labels': points[:, 3].astype(int)} # add array of parameter values sampled from the hyperspheres corresponding # to the radial coordinate of each point. run['theta'] = mf.sample_nsphere_shells(run['r'], settings.n_dim, settings.dims_to_sample) # Add an array of the local number of live points - this equals nlive_const # until the run terminates, at which point it reduces by 1 as each thread # ends. run['nlive_array'] = np.zeros(run['logl'].shape[0]) + nlive_const for i in range(1, nlive_const): run['nlive_array'][-i] = i # Get array of data on threads' beginnings and ends. Each starts by # sampling the whole prior and ends on one of the final live points. run['thread_min_max'] = np.zeros((nlive_const, 2)) run['thread_min_max'][:, 0] = -np.inf run['thread_min_max'][:, 1] = live_points[:, 0] return run
# Make dynamic ns run: # --------------------
[docs]def generate_dynamic_run(settings): """ Generate a dynamic nested sampling run. For details of the dynamic nested sampling algorithm, see 'Dynamic nested sampling: an improved algorithm for nested sampling parameter estimation and evidence calculation' (Higson et al., 2019). The run terminates when the number of samples reaches some limit settings.n_samples_max. If this is not set, the function will estimate the number of samples that a standard nested sampling run with settings.nlive_const would use from the number of samples in the initial exploratory run. Parameters ---------- settings: PerfectNSSettings object settings.dynamic_goal controls whether the algorithm aims to increase parameter estimation accuracy (dynamic_goal=1), evidence accuracy (dynamic_goal=0) or places some weight on both. Returns ------- dict Nested sampling run dictionary containing information about the run's posterior samples and a record of the settings used. See docstring for generate_ns_run for more details. """ assert 1 >= settings.dynamic_goal >= 0, 'dynamic_goal = ' + \ str(settings.dynamic_goal) + ' should be between 0 and 1' # Step 1: initial exploratory standard ns run with ninit live points # ------------------------------------------------------------------ standard_run = generate_standard_run(settings, is_dynamic_initial_run=True) # create samples array with columns: # [logl, r, logx, thread label, change in nlive, params] samples = samples_array_given_run(standard_run) thread_min_max = standard_run['thread_min_max'] n_samples = samples.shape[0] n_samples_max = copy.deepcopy(settings.n_samples_max) if n_samples_max is None: # estimate number of likelihood calls available n_samples_max = n_samples * (settings.nlive_const / settings.ninit) # Step 2: add samples wherever they are most useful # ------------------------------------------------- while n_samples < n_samples_max: importance = point_importance(samples, thread_min_max, settings) logl_min_max, logx_min_max = min_max_importance(importance, samples, settings) for _ in range(settings.nbatch): # make new thread thread_label = thread_min_max.shape[0] thread = generate_single_thread(settings, logx_min_max[1], thread_label, logx_start=logx_min_max[0], keep_final_point=True) # update run if logl_min_max[0] != -np.inf: start_ind = np.where(samples[:, 0] == logl_min_max[0])[0] # check there is exactly one point with the likelihood at which # the new thread starts, and note that nlive increases by 1 assert start_ind.shape == (1,) samples[start_ind, 4] += 1 samples = np.vstack((samples, thread)) lmm = np.asarray([logl_min_max[0], thread[-1, 0]]) thread_min_max = np.vstack((thread_min_max, lmm)) # sort array and update n_samples in preparation for the next iteration samples = samples[np.argsort(samples[:, 0])] n_samples = samples.shape[0] # To compute nlive from the changes in nlive at each step, first find nlive # for the first point (= the number of threads which sample from the entire # prior) run = dict_given_samples_array(samples, thread_min_max) run['settings'] = settings.get_settings_dict() return run
# Dynamic NS helper functions # ------------------------------
[docs]def generate_thread_logx(logx_end, logx_start=0, keep_final_point=True): """ Generate logx co-ordinates of a new nested sampling thread (single live point run). Parameters ---------- logx_end: float Logx value at which run terminates. logx_start: float, optional. Logx value at which run starts. 0 corresponds to sampling from the whole prior. keep_final_point: bool, optional If False, the final point with logx less than logx_end is removed. Returns ------- logx_list: list of floats """ logx_list = [logx_start + np.log(np.random.random())] while logx_list[-1] > logx_end: logx_list.append(logx_list[-1] + np.log(np.random.random())) if not keep_final_point: del logx_list[-1] # remove point which violates termination condition return logx_list
[docs]def generate_single_thread(settings, logx_end, thread_label, logx_start=0, keep_final_point=True): """ Generates a samples array for a thread (single live point run) between logx_start and logx_end. Settings argument specifies how the calculation is done. Parameters ---------- settings: PerfectNSSettings object logx_end: float thread_label: int Index labelling the thread. logx_start: float, optional keep_final_point: bool, optional See generate_thread_logx docstring. """ assert logx_start > logx_end, 'generate_single_thread: logx_start=' + \ str(logx_start) + ' <= logx_end=' + str(logx_end) logx_list = generate_thread_logx(logx_end, logx_start=logx_start, keep_final_point=keep_final_point) if not logx_list: # PEP8 method for testing if sequence is empty return None else: lrxtn = np.zeros((len(logx_list), 5)) lrxtn[:, 3] = thread_label lrxtn[:, 2] = np.asarray(logx_list) lrxtn[:, 1] = settings.r_given_logx(lrxtn[:, 2]) lrxtn[:, 0] = settings.logl_given_r(lrxtn[:, 1]) # Check there are non nans mapping logx to r assert np.all(~np.isnan(lrxtn[:, 1])), ( 'nans in r_given_logx(logx)=' + str(lrxtn[:, 1]) + '\nrows with nans are ' + str(lrxtn[np.where(np.isnan(lrxtn[:, 1]))[0], :]) + '\nperhaps the prior is numerically unstable?') # set change in nlive to -1 where thread ends (zero elsewhere) lrxtn[-1, 4] = -1 theta = mf.sample_nsphere_shells(lrxtn[:, 1], settings.n_dim, settings.dims_to_sample) return np.hstack([lrxtn, theta])
[docs]def point_importance(samples, thread_min_max, settings, simulate=False): """ Calculate the relative importance of each point for use in the dynamic nested sampling algorithm. For more details see 'Dynamic nested sampling: an improved algorithm for nested sampling parameter estimation and evidence calculation' (Higson et al., 2019). Parameters ---------- samples: 2d numpy array See dict_given_samples_arrry docstring for details of columns. thread_min_max: 2d numpy array First column is starting logl of each thread and second column is ending logl. settings: PerfectNSSettings object simulate: bool, optional Passed to nestcheck.ns_run_utils.get_logw. Returns ------- importance: 1d numpy array Relative point importances of the rows of the input samples array. Normalised so the biggest value in the array is equal to 1. """ run_dict = dict_given_samples_array(samples, thread_min_max) logw = nestcheck.ns_run_utils.get_logw(run_dict, simulate=simulate) w_relative = np.exp(logw - logw.max()) if settings.dynamic_goal == 0: return z_importance(w_relative, run_dict['nlive_array']) elif settings.dynamic_goal == 1: return p_importance(run_dict['theta'], w_relative, tuned_dynamic_p=settings.tuned_dynamic_p) else: imp_z = z_importance(w_relative, run_dict['nlive_array']) imp_p = p_importance(run_dict['theta'], w_relative, tuned_dynamic_p=settings.tuned_dynamic_p) importance = (imp_z / np.sum(imp_z)) * (1.0 - settings.dynamic_goal) importance += (imp_p / np.sum(imp_p)) * settings.dynamic_goal return importance / importance.max()
[docs]def z_importance(w_relative, nlive): """ Calculate the relative importance of each point for evidence calculation. For more details see 'Dynamic nested sampling: an improved algorithm for nested sampling parameter estimation and evidence calculation' (Higson et al., 2019). Parameters ---------- w_relative: 1d numpy array Relative point weights. nlive: 1d numpu array Number of live points. Returns ------- importance: 1d numpy array Relative point importances. Normalised so the biggest value in the array is equal to 1. """ importance = np.cumsum(w_relative) importance = importance.max() - importance importance *= 1.0 / nlive return importance / importance.max()
[docs]def p_importance(theta, w_relative, tuned_dynamic_p=False, tuning_type='theta1'): """ Calculate the relative importance of each point for parameter estimation. For more details see 'Dynamic nested sampling: an improved algorithm for nested sampling parameter estimation and evidence calculation' (Higson et al., 2019). Parameters ---------- theta: 2d numpy array Each row gives parameter values of samples. w_relative: 1d numpy array Relative point weights. tuned_dynamic_p: bool, optional Whether or not to tune for a specific parameter estimation problem. See the dynamic nested sampling paper for more details. tuning_type: str, optional Which parameter estimation problem to tune for. Only used if tuned_dynamic_p is True. So far only set up to tune for the mean of the first parameter. Returns ------- importance: 1d numpy array Relative point importances. Normalised so the biggest value in the array is equal to 1. """ if tuned_dynamic_p is False: return w_relative / w_relative.max() else: assert tuning_type == 'theta1', 'so far only set up for theta1' if tuning_type == 'theta1': ftheta = theta[:, 0] # calculate importance in proportion to difference between f values and # the calculation mean. fabs = np.absolute(ftheta - (np.sum(ftheta * w_relative) / np.sum(w_relative))) importance = fabs * w_relative return importance / importance.max()
[docs]def min_max_importance(importance, samples, settings): """ Find the logl and logx values at which to start and end additional dynamic nested sampling threads. Parameters ---------- importance: 1d numpy array Relative importances of samples. samples: 2d numpy array See dict_given_samples_arrry docstring for details of columns. settings: PerfectNSSettings object Returns ------- list of two floats Contains logl_min and logl_max defining the start and end of the region from which new points should be sampled. list of two floats Logx values corresponding to logl_min and logl_max. """ assert settings.dynamic_fraction > 0. and settings.dynamic_fraction < 1., \ 'min_max_importance: settings.dynamic_fraction = ' + \ str(settings.dynamic_fraction) + ' must be in [0, 1]' # where to start the additional threads: high_importance_inds = np.where(importance > settings.dynamic_fraction)[0] if high_importance_inds[0] == 0: # start from sampling the whole prior logl_min = -np.inf logx_min = 0 else: logl_min = samples[:, 0][high_importance_inds[0] - 1] # Use lookup to avoid recalculating the logx values (otherwise there # may be float comparison errors). ind = np.where(samples[:, 0] == logl_min)[0] assert ind.shape == (1,), \ 'Should be one unique match for logl=logl_min=' + str(logl_min) + \ '. Instead we have matches at indexes ' + str(ind) + \ ' of the samples array (shape ' + str(samples.shape) + ')' logx_min = samples[ind[0], 2] # where to end the additional threads: if high_importance_inds[-1] == samples[:, 0].shape[0] - 1: logl_max = samples[-1, 0] logx_max = samples[-1, 2] else: logl_max = samples[:, 0][(high_importance_inds[-1] + 1)] # Use lookup to avoid recalculating the logx values (otherwise there # may be float comparison errors). ind = np.where(samples[:, 0] == logl_max)[0] assert ind.shape == (1,), \ 'Should be one unique match for logl=logl_max=' + str(logl_max) + \ '.\n Instead we have matches at indexes ' + str(ind) + \ ' of the samples array (shape ' + str(samples.shape) + ')' logx_max = samples[ind[0], 2] return [logl_min, logl_max], [logx_min, logx_max]
[docs]def samples_array_given_run(ns_run): """ Converts information on samples in a nested sampling run dictionary into a numpy array representation. This allows fast addition of more samples and recalculation of nlive. Parameters ---------- ns_run: dict Nested sampling run dictionary. Contains keys: 'logl', 'r', 'logx', 'thread_label', 'nlive_array', 'theta' Returns ------- samples: numpy array Numpy array containing columns [logl, r, logx, thread label, change in nlive at sample, (thetas)] with each row representing a single sample. """ samples = np.zeros((ns_run['logl'].shape[0], 5 + ns_run['theta'].shape[1])) samples[:, 0] = ns_run['logl'] samples[:, 1] = ns_run['r'] samples[:, 2] = ns_run['logx'] samples[:, 3] = ns_run['thread_labels'].astype(int) # Calculate 'change in nlive' after each step samples[:-1, 4] = np.diff(ns_run['nlive_array']) samples[-1, 4] = -1 # nlive drops to zero after final point samples[:, 5:] = ns_run['theta'] return samples
[docs]def dict_given_samples_array(samples, thread_min_max): """ Converts an array of information about samples back into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- samples: numpy array Numpy array containing columns [logl, r, logx, thread label, change in nlive at sample, (thetas)] with each row representing a single sample. thread_min_max': numpy array, optional 2d array with a row for each thread containing the likelihoods at which it begins and ends. Needed to calculate nlive_array (otherwise this is set to None). Returns ------- ns_run: dict Nested sampling run dictionary corresponding to the samples array. Contains keys: 'logl', 'r', 'logx', 'thread_label', 'nlive_array', 'theta' N.B. this does not contain a record of the run's settings. """ nlive_0 = (thread_min_max[:, 0] == -np.inf).sum() nlive_array = np.zeros(samples.shape[0]) + nlive_0 nlive_array[1:] += np.cumsum(samples[:-1, 4]) assert nlive_array.min() > 0, ( 'nlive contains 0s or negative values!' + '\nnlive_array = ' + str(nlive_array) + '\nfinal row of samples arr = ' + str(samples[-4:, :]) + '\nthread_min_max = ' + str(thread_min_max)) assert nlive_array[-1] == 1, ( 'final point in nlive_array != 1!' + '\nnlive_array = ' + str(nlive_array) + '\nfinal row of samples arr = ' + str(samples[-4:, :]) + '\nthread_min_max = ' + str(thread_min_max)) ns_run = {'logl': samples[:, 0], 'r': samples[:, 1], 'logx': samples[:, 2], 'thread_labels': samples[:, 3].astype(int), 'nlive_array': nlive_array, 'thread_min_max': thread_min_max, 'theta': samples[:, 5:]} return ns_run