Source code for perfectns.priors

#!/usr/bin/env python
Classes representing spherically symmetric priors.

Each prior class must contain a member function giving the radial
coordinate r = |theta| as a function of the log fraction of the prior volume
remaining and the dimension

    def r_given_logx(self, logx, n_dim):

The number of dimensions is not stored in this class but in the
PerfectNSSettings object to ensure it is the same for the likelihood and the

Prior classes may also optionally contain the inverse function

    def logx_given_r(self, r, n_dim):

(although this is not needed to generate nested sampling runs).

import numpy as np
import scipy
import perfectns.maths_functions as mf
import perfectns.cached_gaussian_prior as cgp

[docs]class Uniform(object): """Spherically symmetric uniform prior.""" def __init__(self, prior_scale): """Save the radius of the spherically symmetric uniform prior. prior_scale: float Radius of the uniform prior. """ self.prior_scale = prior_scale
[docs] def r_given_logx(self, logx, n_dim): """Maps input logx values to radial coordinates. Parameters ---------- logx: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- r: same type and size as logx """ return mf.nsphere_r_given_logx(logx, self.prior_scale, n_dim)
[docs] def logx_given_r(self, r, n_dim): """Maps input radial coordinates to logx values. Parameters ---------- r: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logx: same type and size as r """ return mf.nsphere_logx_given_r(r, self.prior_scale, n_dim)
[docs]class Gaussian(object): """Spherically symmetric Gaussian prior.""" def __init__(self, prior_scale): """Save the input sigma for the prior. This is the (shared) standard deviation of each parameter. prior_scale: float Sigma for every parameter """ self.prior_scale = prior_scale
[docs] def r_given_logx(self, logx, n_dim): """Maps input logx values to radial coordinates. Parameters ---------- logx: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- r: same type and size as logx """ return mf.gaussian_r_given_logx(logx, self.prior_scale, n_dim)
[docs] def logx_given_r(self, r, n_dim): """Maps input radial coordinates to logx values. Parameters ---------- r: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logx: same type and size as r """ return mf.gaussian_logx_given_r(r, self.prior_scale, n_dim)
[docs]class GaussianCached(object): """ Spherically symmetric uniform prior. The scipy inverse gamma function is not numerically stable so cache r_given_logx by using the mpmath logx_given_r and linearly interpolating. """ interp_d = {'n_dim': None, 'prior_scale': None} def __init__(self, prior_scale, **kwargs): """Save input prior size, as well as parameters defining interpolation arrays and their caching. Parameters ---------- prior_scale: float Sigma for every parameter. n_dim: int or None, optional Number of dimensions. Used to allow the prior to be calculated and cached before it is called. logx_min: float, optional See the cached_gaussian_prior.interp_r_logx_dict docstring for more information. save_dict: bool, optional See the cached_gaussian_prior.interp_r_logx_dict docstring for more information. cache_dir: str, optional See the cached_gaussian_prior.interp_r_logx_dict docstring for more information. interp_density: float, optional See the cached_gaussian_prior.interp_r_logx_dict docstring for more information. logx_max: float, optional See the cached_gaussian_prior.interp_r_logx_dict docstring for more information. """ save_dict = kwargs.pop('save_dict', True) n_dim = kwargs.pop('n_dim', None) interp_density = kwargs.pop('interp_density', 10) logx_min = kwargs.pop('logx_min', -4500) cache_dir = kwargs.pop('cache_dir', 'cache') if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: {0}'.format(kwargs)) self.prior_scale = prior_scale self.save_dict = save_dict self.interp_density = interp_density self.logx_min = logx_min self.cache_dir = cache_dir # if n_dim is specified we can cache the interpolation now. # Otherwise wait until r_given_logx is called. if n_dim is not None: self.check_cache(n_dim)
[docs] def r_given_logx(self, logx, n_dim): """Maps input logx values to radial coordinates. Parameters ---------- logx: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- r: same type and size as logx """ self.check_cache(n_dim) if isinstance(logx, np.ndarray): r = np.zeros(logx.shape) ind = np.where(logx <= self.interp_d['logx_array'].max())[0] r[ind] = self.interp_f(logx[ind]) ind = np.where(logx > self.interp_d['logx_array'].max())[0] r[ind] = mf.gaussian_r_given_logx(logx[ind], self.prior_scale, n_dim) assert np.count_nonzero(r) == r.shape[0], \ 'r contains zeros! r = ' + str(r) return r else: if logx <= self.interp_d['logx_array'].max(): return self.interp_f(logx) else: return mf.gaussian_r_given_logx(logx, self.prior_scale, n_dim)
[docs] def logx_given_r(self, r, n_dim): """Maps input radial coordinates to logx values. Parameters ---------- r: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logx: same type and size as r """ return mf.gaussian_logx_given_r(r, self.prior_scale, n_dim)
[docs] def check_cache(self, n_dim): """ Helper function which checks that the input dimension matches that of the cached interpolation function, and if needed recalculates it. Parameters ---------- n_dim: int Number of dimensions """ if (n_dim != self.interp_d['n_dim']) or (self.prior_scale != self.interp_d['prior_scale']): print('re-cache prior: input (n_dim, self.prior_scale) = (' + str(n_dim) + ', ' + str(self.prior_scale) + ') =! cached ' + '(n_dim, prior_scale) = (' + str(self.interp_d['n_dim']) + ', ' + str(self.prior_scale) + ')') self.interp_d = cgp.interp_r_logx_dict( n_dim, self.prior_scale, save_dict=self.save_dict, cache_dir=self.cache_dir, logx_min=self.logx_min, interp_density=self.interp_density) self.interp_f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( self.interp_d['logx_array'], self.interp_d['r_array'])