Source code for perfectns.settings

#!/usr/bin/env python
Defines base class which holds settings for performing perfect nested sampling.
This includes likelihood and prior objects as well as the parameters
controlling how the calculation is performed - for example the number of live
points and whether or not dynamic nested sampling is to be used.
# pylint: disable=no-member

import copy
import perfectns.priors as priors
import perfectns.likelihoods as likelihoods

[docs]class PerfectNSSettings(object): """ Controls how Perfect Nested Sampling is performed. For more details of the standard nested sampling and dynamic nested sampling algorithms see: 1) 'Dynamic nested sampling: an improved algorithm for nested sampling parameter estimation and evidence calculation' (Higson et al. 2019). 2) 'Sampling errors in nested sampling parameter estimation' (Higson et al. 2018). Parameters ---------- n_dim: int Dimension of the likelihood and prior. prior: object A prior object. See for more details. likelihood: object A likelihood object. See for more details. nlive_const: int The number of live points for standard nested sampling. termination_fraction: float Standard nested sampling runs will terminate when the posterior mass remaining (estimated from the live points) is less than termination_fraction times the posterior mass (evidence) in the dead points. dynamic_goal: float or None Determines is dynamic nested sampling is used, and if so how improvements in evidence and parameter estimation accuracy are weighted. n_samples_max: int or None Number of samples after which dynamic nested sampling will terminate. If this is None the number of samples to use is chosen using nlive_const. ninit: int Number of live points used in dynamic nested sampling for the initial exploratory standard nested sampling run. nbatch: int Number of threads dynamic nested sampling adds before each recalculation of points' importances to the calculation. dynamic_fraction: float Dynamic nested sampling adds more samples wherever points' importances are greater than dynamic_fraction times the largest importance. tuned_dynamic_p: bool Determines if dynamic nested sampling is tuned for a specific parameter estimation problem. """ __isfrozen = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialise settings object and store settings Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict, optional See the class docstring for a description of the allowed settings. """ default_settings = { # likelihood and prior settings # ----------------------------- 'n_dim': 10, 'prior': priors.Gaussian(10), 'likelihood': likelihoods.Gaussian(1), # calculation settings # -------------------- 'nlive_const': 200, 'dims_to_sample': 1, 'termination_fraction': 0.001, # Dynamic nested sampling settings - only used if dynamic_goal is # not None. 'dynamic_goal': None, 'n_samples_max': None, 'ninit': 20, 'nbatch': 1, 'dynamic_fraction': 0.9, 'tuned_dynamic_p': False } for (setting_name, default_value) in default_settings.items(): setattr(self, setting_name, kwargs.pop(setting_name, default_value)) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: {0}'.format(kwargs)) # prevent more settings from being added later self.__isfrozen = True def __setattr__(self, key, value): """ Freeze the class to prevent unexpected settings from being accidentally added. Parameters ---------- key: str Name of attribute value: any type Value of attribute """ if self.__isfrozen and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError('Frozen PerfectNSSettings instance given ' + 'unexpected attribute: %r' % key) object.__setattr__(self, key, value) # functions of the spherically symmetric prior
[docs] def logx_given_r(self, r): """Maps input radial coordinates to logx values. Parameters ---------- r: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logx: same type and size as r """ return self.prior.logx_given_r(r, self.n_dim)
[docs] def r_given_logx(self, logx): """Maps input logx values to radial coordinates. Parameters ---------- logx: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- r: same type and size as logx """ return self.prior.r_given_logx(logx, self.n_dim)
# functions of the spherically symmetric likelihood
[docs] def logl_given_r(self, r): """Maps input radial coordinates to loglikelihood values. Parameters ---------- r: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logl: same type and size as r """ return self.likelihood.logl_given_r(r, self.n_dim)
[docs] def r_given_logl(self, logl): """Maps input loglikelihood values to radial coordinates. Parameters ---------- r: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logl: same type and size as r """ return self.likelihood.r_given_logl(logl, self.n_dim)
# functions of both the likelihood and the prior
[docs] def logl_given_logx(self, logx): """Maps input logx values to loglikelihoods. Parameters ---------- logx: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logl: same type and size as logx """ return self.logl_given_r(self.r_given_logx(logx))
[docs] def logx_given_logl(self, logl): """Maps input loglikelihoods to logx values. Parameters ---------- logl: float or numpy array n_dim: int Returns ------- logx: same type and size as logl """ return self.logx_given_r(self.r_given_logl(logl))
[docs] def logz_analytic(self): """ If available gives an analytically calculated value for the log evidence for the likelihood and prior (useful for checking results). This functionality is stored in the likelihood object. If it has not been set up then an error message is printed and nothing is returned. Returns ------- float or None True value of logz or None if it is not available. """ try: return self.likelihood.logz_analytic(self.prior, self.n_dim) except (AttributeError, AssertionError): print('No logz_analytic set up for ' + type(self.likelihood).__name__ + " likelihoods and " + type(self.prior).__name__ + " priors.") return None
[docs] def get_settings_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing settings information. The names and parameters of the likelihoods and priors are stored instead of the objects themselves so they can be saved with pickle. Returns ------- settings_dict: dict """ settings_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) # Replace the likelihood and prior objects with information about them # in the form of strings and dicts so the output can be saved with # pickle. settings_dict['likelihood'] = type(self.likelihood).__name__ settings_dict['likelihood_args'] = self.likelihood.__dict__ settings_dict['prior'] = type(self.prior).__name__ if type(self.prior).__name__ == 'GaussianCached': settings_dict['prior_args'] = {'prior_scale': self.prior.prior_scale} else: settings_dict['prior_args'] = self.prior.__dict__ return settings_dict
[docs] def save_name(self, include_dg=True, include_samples_max=False): """ Make a standard save name format for a given settings configoration. Parameters ---------- include_dg: bool, optional Whether or not to include the dynamic_goal setting in save_name. include_samples_max: bool, optional Whether or not to include the n_samples_max setting in save_name. Returns ------- save_name: str """ save_name = '' if include_dg: save_name += 'dg' + str(self.dynamic_goal) + '_' save_name += str(self.n_dim) + 'd' # Likelihood information save_name += '_' + type(self.likelihood).__name__ like_params = self.likelihood.__dict__ for param in sorted(like_params): save_name += '_' + str(like_params[param]) # Prior information save_name += '_' + type(self.prior).__name__ save_name += '_' + str(self.prior.prior_scale) # Nested sampling settings save_name += '_' + str(self.nlive_const) + 'nlive' save_name += '_' + str(self.termination_fraction) + 'term' if self.dims_to_sample != 1: save_name += '_' + str(self.dims_to_sample) + 'dimsamp' if self.dynamic_goal is not None or include_dg is False: save_name += '_' + str(self.ninit) + 'ninit' if self.nbatch != 1: save_name += '_' + str(self.nbatch) + 'nbatch' if self.n_samples_max is not None and self.dynamic_goal is not None: save_name += '_' if self.nlive_const is None or include_samples_max: # only when needed as otherwise get an annoying # long number in names save_name += str(self.n_samples_max) save_name += 'sampmax' if self.tuned_dynamic_p is True and self.dynamic_goal is not None: save_name += '_tuned' if self.dynamic_fraction != 0.9: save_name += '_' + str(self.dynamic_fraction) + 'df' save_name = save_name.replace('.', '_') save_name = save_name.replace('-', '_') return save_name